Arvo Muñoz Morán
I am a researcher at Rethink Priorities' Worldview Investigations Team. I also do work for Oxford's Global Priorities Institute. Previously I was a research analyst at the Forethought Foundation for Global Priorities Research. I took the role after completing the MPhil in Economics at Oxford University. Before that, I studied Mathematics and Philosophy at the University of St Andrews. I also co-founded the Animal Welfare Library.
Beyond work, I sometimes find myself making minor progress on my list of films to watch, thinking about music, dusting off a book, sleeping long hours and exploring green spaces with my headphones on.
Experience / Roles
Research Fellow at the Cambridge Existential Risk Initiative (CERI) in 2021.
Undergraduate Research Assistantship (St Andrews Philosophy Department, summer 2020).
Editor-in-Chief of St Andrews’s Aporia Journal of Philosophy 2019-2020 (find the latest issue here).
Laidlaw Scholarship: Leadership Programme and Summer Research Internship (2018-2020).
Duncan Prize Finalist and Highly Commended Dissertation (the Duncan Prize is awarded each year for the best Senior Honours written project in Mathematics or Statistics).
Highly Commended Philosophy Award 2021 at The Global Undergraduate Awards.
St Andrews Dean's List for Academic Excellence.
Gold Medal - The Metropolitan Mathematical Olympiad (OMDF Olympiad).
Mention of IB Excellence (for obtaining 43/45 points).
Areas of Interest
Microeconomic Theory
Global Priorities Research
AI Governance
Animal Welfare Research
Logic and Interactive Theorem Proving
To get a flavour of my interests look at my links page.