Arvo Muñoz Morán

I am a researcher at Rethink Priorities' Worldview Investigations Team. I also do work for Oxford's Global Priorities Institute. Previously I was a research analyst at the Forethought Foundation for Global Priorities Research. I took the role after completing the MPhil in Economics at Oxford University. Before that, I studied Mathematics and Philosophy at the University of St Andrews. I also co-founded the Animal Welfare Library.

Beyond work, I sometimes find myself making minor progress on my list of films to watch, thinking about music, dusting off a book, sleeping long hours and exploring green spaces with my headphones on.

Experience / Roles

  • Research Fellow at the Cambridge Existential Risk Initiative (CERI) in 2021.

  • Undergraduate Research Assistantship (St Andrews Philosophy Department, summer 2020).

  • Editor-in-Chief of St Andrews’s Aporia Journal of Philosophy 2019-2020 (find the latest issue here).

  • Laidlaw Scholarship: Leadership Programme and Summer Research Internship (2018-2020).


  • Duncan Prize Finalist and Highly Commended Dissertation (the Duncan Prize is awarded each year for the best Senior Honours written project in Mathematics or Statistics).

  • Highly Commended Philosophy Award 2021 at The Global Undergraduate Awards.

  • St Andrews Dean's List for Academic Excellence.

  • Gold Medal - The Metropolitan Mathematical Olympiad (OMDF Olympiad).

  • Mention of IB Excellence (for obtaining 43/45 points).

Areas of Interest

  • Microeconomic Theory

  • Global Priorities Research

  • AI Governance

  • Animal Welfare Research

  • Logic and Interactive Theorem Proving

​To get a flavour of my interests look at my links page.
